(After two popular essays about liminal economics, I turn back to religious questions. Articles on nonduality, pathos, and metamodern oscillation are waiting patiently for their chance to play. As usual, there is an audio version available for paying subscribers. And, since these essays are as much acoustic poetry as they are rational argumentation, …

Layman Pascal's Wager
An author-reading of the articles for paid subscriber's to the Layman Pascal Substack on Postmetaphysics, Nonduality, Metamodernism, Integral Metatheory, New Shamanism, Future of Religion, Developmental Philosophy and Meta-progressive politics (usually through a decoy topic of cultural curiosity).
An author-reading of the articles for paid subscriber's to the Layman Pascal Substack on Postmetaphysics, Nonduality, Metamodernism, Integral Metatheory, New Shamanism, Future of Religion, Developmental Philosophy and Meta-progressive politics (usually through a decoy topic of cultural curiosity).Listen on
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